
publications by categories in reversed chronological order.

In prepration

I am currently working with colleagues from within the Netherlands and beyond on projects about journalism, fact-checking, elections in Indonesia and veracity judgement.


  1. Encyclopedia
    Automated journalism
    Wang Ngai Yeung, and Tomas Dodds
    In The Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication, Forthcoming
  2. Encyclopedia
    Tomas Dodds, and Wang Ngai Yeung
    In The Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication, Forthcoming


  1. The Weaponization of Fact-Checking in Polarized Societies: The Cases of Hong Kong and Taiwan (EDMO Scientific Conference 2024)
    Wang Ngai Yeung, and Benny Lim
    Feb 2024


  1. Digitality-as-a-process: The Co-construction of Digitality and New Media Technologies (4S conference 2023)
    Wang Ngai Yeung, and Tomas Dodds
    Nov 2023
  2. Measuring Deliberative Quality in the Online Public Sphere: How Well Can Automated Measures Detect the Habermasian Standards? (ICA conference 2023)
    Mark Boukes, Wang Ngai Yeung, Yu-Fang Liao, and 1 more author
    May 2023
  3. Measuring Deliberative Quality in the Online Public Sphere: Whether, Which, and How Automated Measures Detect the Habermasian Standards. (Etmaal 2023)
    Yu-Fang Liao, Wang Ngai Yeung, Anne Kroon, and 1 more author
    Feb 2023
  4. Invited Talks
    Autonomous Agents within the Newsroom: Journalists, Audience and the Mythic Frankenstein’s Monster. [Guest Lecture]. Innovation in Journalism, Leiden University.
    Wang Ngai Yeung
    Apr 2023
  5. Invited Talks
    Working with codes in social science research: Web scraping and data analysis [Guest lecture]. Digital Text & Data Analysis, Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities.
    Wang Ngai Yeung
    Apr 2023
  6. Invited Talks
    Digital Skills in Action: A study of inter-state-media variations through automated multilingual text analysis of Chinese state-controlled media during the Russo-Ukrainian War [Workshop Presentation]. Developing Digital Skills Learning Pathways in the International Studies Curriculum Workshop
    Wang Ngai Yeung
    Feb 2023


  1. Tech Report
    Shadow-promotion: TikTok’s algorithmic recommendation of banned content in Russia Why is content that is supposed to have been banned since the start of the Ukraine-Russia war instead being promoted?
    Salvatore Romano, Giulia Giorgi, Ilir Rama, and 4 more authors
    Feb 2022